to follow...

I'm going to make some glowing liquid out of 6 highlighters, put it in a large glass cylinder, then add dry ice. Putting it next to a pumpkin man that is going to look like he was poisoned. I may put some dry ice and a couple drops of dish soap in his mouth so it will foam. Gonna work on the chiller on Wed, if the flex pipe doesn't work I'll switch to the design above.

I found this pic online and may use it. :)

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I'm working on a few drawings for prop placement this year. Im unsure of how I want to set up. I think a lot is going to depend on the weather on monday. Possible snow here tomorrow and saturday night.

Monday is looking like 30% showers, dry by monday night but highs in the low 30's. So it could be so cold no one comes out and that cold with rain could be snow. Ugh... we'll see what happens. If it's bad then only the super weather proof stuff is coming out.
Might be a limited display. Sometimes less is more though and creates a creepy empty feeling.
With your history of being the place to'll get visitors regardless of weather. Cold/snow never stops the desire for kids to get unlimited free candy
I have enough candy to give each kid 2 pieces as long as we don't get over 400. :spazface:

I'm starting to panic b/c it's been raining today and suppose to rain tomorrow. Trick-or-Treat is from 6p-8p tomorrow and all I've managed to accomplish is cutting the grass. :turbospin:
I have enough candy to give each kid 2 pieces as long as we don't get over 400. :spazface:

I'm starting to panic b/c it's been raining today and suppose to rain tomorrow. Trick-or-Treat is from 6p-8p tomorrow and all I've managed to accomplish is cutting the grass. :turbospin:

Tomorrow? really?
I am so screwed. It rained all evening!!! Heading to bed and getting up at 8a to start working outside as long as there is no rain. If it rains all morning I would need a team of people to get setup in time. Could be a Halloween Fail. :banghead:
Second small one is done. Needs touchup work but thats it. Teeth and eyes both in and working.


Have to touchup some bones and glue showing through....

You can see the few white areas I need to hit with a small brush. Of course it won't show in the dark but hey, it's gotta be done perfect.

This is what it will look like in the dark.

Well it stopped raining around 12:30p today so I had 5 hours to do 10 hours of work. :banghead: I'll post some pics and a vid tomorrow of our trick or treat. :D
haha I was going to do that :rotfl: we haven't carved ours yet. good job!

I thought you would've carved one by now, sorry. Carve them up, you can never have too much Halloween on this thread. I still have things setup outside except for the ghost etc that I don't want to get wet. Weather hasn't been cooperating and I still need to get pics of everything and my little man sitting in a LARGE pumpkin I still have to work on. People around us have already started with Christmas lights but I'm holding on to Halloween a little longer. :D
haha don't be sorry! Mr couldn't find a carving kit...they were all gone :( I will have to hi-jack my mom's kit