Oil change 10,000 miles

See above report:

1.) Total Base Number at 5 indicates decent reserve capacity and thus the recommendation to retest in 3500 miles. (But compared with 12.6 when new? I'm not impressed..and not comfortable enough to leave it in)
2.) Aluminum at 14ppm is roughly 3 times the average for this engine (same as squiggy) although well within limits.
3.) Iron at 9ppm is perfectly in line, much less than squiggy's 48ppm for some reason. (think it was his first or second oil change)
4.) Viscosity (cSt) and oxidation levels tell me what i already know... that trying to keep up with Jason and Nathan is brutal on cars and oil.
It's pretty easy to notice the difference in sound on a cold start. I don't like the idea of going 7500-10k miles on an oil change even though I run Amsoil. Also keep in mind your transmission likes oil changes too!
how many miles on that oil?
It's shown as "Lube Time": 5400 miles. I've never changed oil this soon, especially Amsoil -- but i've never driven a car this hard either... or tested Amsoil's new formulation. In the past I've had better TBN (in the 7's) on over 12,000 miles ... so something is different here. It could be the Amsoil... or it could be a mid-life crisis in a red sports car. Could be both.
lube time and unit time were my question. I didn't know if this was actually 10k miles or 5k
lube time and unit time were my question. I didn't know if this was actually 10k miles or 5k
Yeah, guess i'm in the wrong thread! Frankly, i doubt whether many are interested in the "10,000 mile" (thread) oil change anyway. Maybe we should rename it. The real question is, then, what's the best oil for 5,000 or 7,500 miles... or for a racing application, or for commuting. We could answer all those questions if a few more participants did oil analysis!
BTW, according to my oil change reminder I was still at 50% (at 5400) .... which works out to 10% per 1000 miles. (For me mostly freeway miles with 350lbs of cargo/passengers) I wonder what relationship between miles and % others have found....
I seemed to find 15% coming up around 7k miles. It's obviously going to depend on driving conditions from user to user.
drain and fill every 6 weeks, roughly 1000 miles

oil and filter change every 12 weeks / 2000 miles

:) just because
that is seriously a massive... massive waste. 1k mile oil changes? Lab analysis has proven oil can go WAY longer than that. You're dumping "good oil".
Waste of money. I hope you're joking. At least test the oil before saying that they are no longer useful at 1000 miles...
I was wondering what all of you thought about royal purple?

I can only get a few oils where I am located. Mobil penzoil and royal purple are about it.
I was wondering what all of you thought about royal purple?

I can only get a few oils where I am located. Mobil penzoil and royal purple are about it.
They are all good............ I like in this order: Mobil 1; RP; Penzoil.........