The Official New England Chat/Event Thread

There really aren't any details. They just grow it up on the page I saw it last Monday they were at Sakura Tokyo it was to late when I saw it. I plan on going this Monday but have no idea where or when they just said they meet around Worcester every Monday. As soon as I find out ill let you know
There really aren't any details. They just grow it up on the page I saw it last Monday they were at Sakura Tokyo it was to late when I saw it. I plan on going this Monday but have no idea where or when they just said they meet around Worcester every Monday. As soon as I find out ill let you know
ya keep us posted weekly might be a bit much for mee... but id definately swing through sometime.. if you go take pics
Sunday, March 24, 2013: Monthly Meet! As usual it will be held at the UMass Lowell Boathouse @ 1:30PM.

For more info, visit Mill City Meet's Facebook page:

*Any future changes regarding this event will be updated within this thread.

I have to work unfortunately...but on a lighter note I am hopefully going to be installing my downpipe and exhaust tomorrow morning. Anyone wanna help? :D
I totally would if I didn't have work :pat:

I appreciate it It shouldn't be too bad though, if I do end up doing it ill have access to a giant toolbox and a tools aren't a problem. I just need to buy an o2 sensor wrench that I can grind down to fit in that goofy little cup on the downpipe.
I appreciate it It shouldn't be too bad though, if I do end up doing it ill have access to a giant toolbox and a tools aren't a problem. I just need to buy an o2 sensor wrench that I can grind down to fit in that goofy little cup on the downpipe.
Man i woulda liked to witness thiss !ya gatta give a headsup
Sorry man! It was a bit last minute for me, I was supposed to work but I ended up not having to so I figured I'd take advantage of it. I just hope it doesn't stay too cold out. I'm not expecting tropical warmth, but above freezing would be
No lift unfortunately, but it's all installed and took about 3 1/2 hours. It's not bad when cruising, but it's definitely not subtle when on the
I'm going to try and swap schedules with a coworker so I can work Saturday instead of Sunday and try to make it to Lowell.

I won't know if I'll be at the meet until Wednesday when I get my work schedule. I didn't take the 24th off but I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'm not scheduled :D