User Guide & FAQ

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Everyone should take the time out to check and set their privacy settings on any forum. Just hover over your name at the top then select Privacy. Here you can do anything from showing your online status, to who can view your profile page. Just select what you would like to change, and then click save at the bottom of the page to to apply those settings.

Social Aspects

Your News Feed

Your News Feed is simply a view of what your followed friends are posting, liking, and doing. You can get to this through your account. Just hover over your name at the top right of the page and click on New Feed. Here you can follow what your friends are doing and also you can choose to hide them from the news feed by cllicking on the hide button on the right of their feed.

Status Updates

A status update is a little piece of information about you like how your feeling or what you are doing much like Facebook or Twitter. You can Update your status 2 ways. You can update by hovering over your name at the top right, and filling in your status at the bottom of this box. You can also update it by going to your profile and adding a comment there. Your status update will show on your proifile, and also on your profile card. On a members profile, you can also comment on someones status update by clicking on the comment text just right of their status. You will be notified by an alert, if the person responds to the message, or writes on your profile.

Following People

Want to keep an eye on what your friends are doing? Well, that's easy. You can simply "follow" them. You can "Follow" people on 9thcivic very easily. Simply click on their avatar to bring up their profile card and click on follow. You'll be able to see their updates, posts, likes etc on your news feeds mentioned earlier.

Personal Conversations

A personal conversation is like a private thread/discussion viewable to only those invited to join the conversation. You can invite people at any stage in the conversation. You can invite up to 5 members to participate in the conversation. If there is a responce to a conversation, or you have been invited into one, then you will get an alert in your inbox (at the top right of the page).

To start a new conversation

Hover over your name at the top right of the page then click on preferences. Then this will take you to your preferences page where you can click on start new conversation.

To respond to a conversation

You will get an alert in your inbox next to your name top right of the page. Hover over this and a box will appear, like this;


Click on the conversation, and it'll load the message in a new page.

You can reply using the box at the bottom, which will have your avatar next to it (much like a normal post).

Inviting Others

To invite more people into the conversation, just click on the "Invite More", at the bottom of the Conversation Participants list. You will get a pop up where you can add in more members. It is worth noting that when added, the new participants can view the conversation that happened before they were added.

Leave a Conversation

Once you are done with the conversation and wish to leave just click on the Leave Conversation text at the top right of the conversation. This will bring up a pop up asking if you still want to be informed of future conversation in that particular personal conversation.

You will not find a "delete" button like other forums. You do not "delete" conversations. If you no longer wish to have the conversation in your listing, you can click Leave Conversation. This will remove the item from your profile.
Facebook Integration

Using the Facebook integration, you can sign in using your Facebook details. It will use your Facebook profile picture and sign in details, which can make registration easier, and gives you one less password to remember.
Terminology & Common Acronyms

K20Z3: Engine code for the 8th Generation Honda Civic Si 2006+
K20Z2: Engine code for the 8th Generation CSX 2006+
K24Z7: Engine code for the 9th Generation Honda Civic Si 2012+
R18Z1: Engine code for the 9th Generation Civic (non-si models USA) 1.8L 2012+
LEA2: Engine code for the 9th generation civic hybrid 1.5L 2012+
K20A2:Engine code for the JDM Civic Type-R 2006+
R18: Engine code for most other models 2006+
R18a1: Engine Code for 2006+ Civic (non-si models - USA)
R16: Engine code for some Egyptian/Singaporean models 2006+

8th Generation Civic Paint Codes
ABM: Atomic Blue Metallic
ASM: Alabaster Silver Metallic
BBM: Borrego Beige Metallic
CBP: Crystal Black Pearl
DBP: Dyno Blue Pearl
FBP: Fiji Blue Pearl
GG: Galaxy Grey
HRP: Habanero Red Pearl
MP: Magnetic Pearl
NBP: Nighthawk Black Pearl (also known as NHBP)
PMM: Polish Metal Metallic
RBP: Royal Blue Pearl
ROP: Redline Orange Pearl
RR: Rallye Red
SWP: Spectrum White Pearl
TRP: Tango Red Pearl
TW: Taffeta White
UTM: Urban Titanium Metallic

9th Generation Civic Paint Codes (2012+ Civic)
ASM: Alabaster Silver Metallic
CBP: Crystal Black Pearl
CP: Crimson Pearl
CMM: Cool Mist Metallic
DBP: Dyno Blue Pearl
GOM: Green Opal Metallic
PMM: Polish Metal Metallic
RR: Rallye Red
SOP: Sunburst Orange Pearl
TW: Taffeta White
UTM: Urban Titanium Metallic

9th Generation Civic Frame Codes (2012+ Civic)
FB2: Civic Sedan
FB6: Civic SI Sedan
FG3: Civic Coupe
FG4: Civic SI Coupe
FB4: Civic Hybrid

8th Generation Civic Frame Codes (2006+ Civic)
FA1: Civic Sedan
FA5: Si Sedan
FG1: Civic Coupe
FG2: Si Coupe
FD1: JDM/Asian Sedan
FD2: JDM Type-R
FN2: European Type-R
FA3: Hybrid

General Car Terms (As they apply to Honda)
Acura: Honda's premium line of cars (similar to Cadillac for GM)
A/F: Air to fuel ratio, or can stand for air/fuel ratio sensor
BOV: Blow Off Valve
CAI: Cold Air Intake
CEL: Check Engine Light
CDM: Canadian market (may be different than US and Japanese models)
CF: Carbon Fibre, a woven material common in racing because of low weight and strength
Coilover: Suspension part, consisting of shock and spring together.
Coupe: Two-door body style (as opposed to sedan that has four)
CSX: The Acura “big sister” version of the Civic
IMA: Integrated Motor Assist (Civic Hybrid)
DBW: Drive By Wire
DIY: Do It Yourself
DOHC: Double Overhead Cams (SI models)
DRL: Daytime Running Lights
DX: The base level trim line for Civic, can also be DXG, etc
EG: 1992-1995 Honda Civic
EK: 1996-2000 Honda Civic
EX: The upper luxury level trim line for Civic, can be EXL for leather
FD2: JDM Civic Sedan Type-R
FI: Forced Induction (turbo, supercharger)
HID: High intensity discharge headlights, extremely bright
HFP: Honda Factory Performance
HG: head gasket
Ground effects: The lip kit around the bottom of thecar.
IMG: intake manifold gasket
JDM: Japanese market (may be different than Canadian and US models)
LED: Light Emitting Diode, light bulbs that draw very little power
LX: The mid-level trim line for Civic
MT: Manual Transmission
MTF: Manual Transmission Fluid
Mugen: A brand of performance products/upgrades made for Honda.
NA: Naturally Aspirated
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacture, meaning parts made by Honda
R18: The base engine for the 2006+ Civic (140hp)
RH: race header
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers (set of standards most mechanics follow)
SC: Super Charger
Sedan: Four-door body style (opposed to coupe that hastwo doors)
SOHC: Single Overhead Cam (non SI models)
SRI: ShortRam Intake
SI: Sport Injected - The performance-oriented trim level Civic
Spoiler: A piece of body trim used to direct airflow. Usually the "lip" or "wing" on the back of the trunk, they can also be on the bottom of the car.
Spoon: A brand of performance products/upgrades made for Honda.
SS: Short Shifter
USDM: US Market (may be different than Canadian and Japanese models)
VSA:Vehicle Stability Assist
VTEC: Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control
WHP: Wheel Horse Power
WOT: Wide-Open Throttle
WTQ: Wheel Torque

Emotions/Expressions/Water Cooler
FTL - For the Loss
FTMFW - For the Mother F*ing Win
FTW - For the Win
FYI - For Your Information
IMO/IMHO - In My Opinion/In My Honest (Humble) Opinion
IIRC – If I Remember Correctly
J/K – Just Kidding
LMAO – Laughing My *** Off
LOL – Laugh Out Loud
N/A – Not Applicable
NSFW - Not Safe For Work
NWS – Not Work Safe
OMG – Oh My God
POS - Piece of S*
QFT – Quoted for Truth
ROFL - Rolling on The Floor Laughing
RTFM – Read the F*ing Manual
SMH – Shaking My Head
TTIWWP - This Thread is Worthless Without Pics
TTT - To The Top-Bumping a Thread
WTF - What the F* (or Why the Face!?)
WOOT – We Own the Other Team (a term of great excitement)
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