Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

1 shot/wk for about 6mos then it it's supposed to go into maintenance of 1shot/mos for about 4yrs or so.
yep that's exactly how it's supposed to go. They usually take it slow ramping up the first 6 months to see your reactions. Usually, it's just right at the injection spot where it'll be itchy or inflamed (depending on how bad you've got allergies). Once you get to maintenance, it's smooth sailing. Was your scratch test pretty bad, or do you recall what your bad reactions were from?
yep that's exactly how it's supposed to go. They usually take it slow ramping up the first 6 months to see your reactions. Usually, it's just right at the injection spot where it'll be itchy or inflamed (depending on how bad you've got allergies). Once you get to maintenance, it's smooth sailing. Was your scratch test pretty bad, or do you recall what your bad reactions were from?
The initial testing was also done with small localized injections; I‘m assuming that‘s what you’re referring to as the scratch test. I did have some itching at the most recent injection site but I’m still on the early series of vials (green 1:1,000 ratio; they skipped the silver 1:10,000 ratio ones).

Of the panel of about 25-30 or so items, I reacted to about 20-22 of them (I forget the exact number). They were testing for the more common dusts, weeds, and pollens for my area. When I was diagnosed with the allergies I have in 2014, they did it with 1 blood test which showed I was allergic to birch pollen. But, the reason I went in for the test was I was having reactions to foods (peanuts in particular are what made me concerned) which I’d eaten my whole life. So, after that test, I learned I also have Oral Allergy Syndrome associated with birch pollen; basically, if I eat any foods with a similar protein to birch (it’s a long list, almost everything on it was something I enjoyed eating too), I’ll react the same way which will trigger my hay fever. They told me that the allergy immunotherapy can’t cure food borne allergies but can for environmental ones like birch and other grasses and what not. But, because my food borne allergies are an extension of my environmental ones, the doctors are thinking that they may be able to correct the one, and by extension, the other. So, we’ll see how it goes.
can’t cure
yea, cure is the word there. It won't "cure" it, but it can really help. I know people who have had luck with getting help with peanuts. They were going to the allergist for their peanut allergy, and over time they had less severe reactions. They were still allergic, but they were less likely to go into anaphylaxis. It's honestly similar to environmental allergies. The shots over time are supposed to allow you to not have reactions to dust, pollen etc. In some cases it doesn't really cure it 100%, but it can be significantly better. I was referring to your injection test when I said scratch test. I've usually heard it called a scratch test around here, but it could be done with needles too. I feel like it's usually done as a scratch test because they can grab like 4-8+ allergens with one swipe on your body, where a needle of each takes longer. Scratch test pic below with like 8 allergens?


they usually have a few small plastic pieces they grab at once and make a small swipe across your arm or back. Generic pic below, but you get the idea.

i did that test on my back years ago. told me i was allergic to dust. i took an allergy pill every day for over 10 years because i got hives with out them. i weaned my self off them one week and havent used them since and no longer get hives. use them sometimes in the spring still. im not a big believer in this but i think 90% of my reactions was in my head.
90% of my reactions was in my head.
I don’t know how you’d be able to give yourself hives… using your head. Some people do grow out of allergies as they grow older as well.
I don’t know how you’d be able to give yourself hives… using your head. Some people do grow out of allergies as they grow older as well.
I dont know either. made no sense. maybe the medication was causing it after it wore off? if i forgot to take a pill for the day id start getting itchy and get hives.
i love working some of the days everyone else has scrambled to take off, cause its such a light day and my boss usually tells me to sign off early if i can anyway
yea, cure is the word there. It won't "cure" it, but it can really help. I know people who have had luck with getting help with peanuts. They were going to the allergist for their peanut allergy, and over time they had less severe reactions. They were still allergic, but they were less likely to go into anaphylaxis. It's honestly similar to environmental allergies. The shots over time are supposed to allow you to not have reactions to dust, pollen etc. In some cases it doesn't really cure it 100%, but it can be significantly better. I was referring to your injection test when I said scratch test. I've usually heard it called a scratch test around here, but it could be done with needles too. I feel like it's usually done as a scratch test because they can grab like 4-8+ allergens with one swipe on your body, where a needle of each takes longer. Scratch test pic below with like 8 allergens?

View attachment 67035

they usually have a few small plastic pieces they grab at once and make a small swipe across your arm or back. Generic pic below, but you get the idea.

View attachment 67036
Yeah, they did the scratch test with individual needles across the back like that 2nd pic. But, you're right, the word 'cure' was used incorrectly; it is more like a tolerance thing; they build your tolerance to the allergen which is ideally supposed to lessen the reaction over time (which seems like a cure of sorts).

I didn't have a choice. Co-worker is off so I have to be in the office.

i love working some of the days everyone else has scrambled to take off, cause its such a light day and my boss usually tells me to sign off early if i can anyway

Yeah I don't mind it. I think my boss might say leave 1hr early. :think: