Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Nothing in the metric system can truly explain how epic it will be to flush an American sized turd after a triple bacon cheeseburger quite like 7-billiard balls though.
we would have to overturn the epa water conservation legislation though
Anyone doing anything fun for the 4th?
Surviving COVID.... :(
So, long story here, a few weeks ago, I started allergy immunotherapy. My most recent injection was on Monday of last week. Since this process is all fairly new to me, I'm still learning how I'm going to react to the injections which trigger my allergies. So, Thursday evening last week, I started feeling a little off, cough, stuffy head, etc. just like a hay fever reaction would be. Went through the weekend thinking it was just allergies. Well, by Monday, it still hadn't improved and I begin second guessing whether or not I should keep doing allergy treatments if I'm hit this hard with just the 2nd dose in the 5yr series. So, yesterday morning, feeling even worse, I figured I'd take a test just to see and maybe rule it out; that was the result. So, I get to spend my 4th with a cold. This is my 3rd bout with the virus; I did get the vaccine in 2020 and the 1st booster in 2021. My first time I didn't even know I had it (I travelled to the UK for work in 2022 and they had a testing requirement, that is how I found out I had it). 2nd time, it was minor but I could tell. But, I've been free and clear of any issues for about 2yrs; and, well, this strain is taking a bit out of me (kinda like a rough cold/flu when you were a kid). It sucks, but life moves on; anyhow, that's how I'm going to be celebrating this year. :oops:
I started allergy immunotherapy
Sorry to hear about your positive test. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad. If you have any questions about your shots, you can ask or pm me anytime. I've been doing them almost my entire life, so I have quite a bit of experience with the process. I get 8 shots a month, and I likely will for life.
Sorry to hear about your positive test. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad. If you have any questions about your shots, you can ask or pm me anytime. I've been doing them almost my entire life, so I have quite a bit of experience with the process. I get 8 shots a month, and I likely will for life.

Thanks man. I don't think it will get that intense (2/wk). I've been on oral allergy medication along with nasal spray and eye drops daily for about 10yrs now. The immunotherapy series is basically 1 shot/wk for about 6mos then it it's supposed to go into maintenance of 1shot/mos for about 4yrs or so. After which, depending on how I react, I shouldn't have to deal with any of my allergies anymore. So, we'll see how I respond.

Get Well Soon! :bighug:

Thanks dude. I'll be fine; but, I'd rather be hanging out with friends.