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Seriously......50G? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Ziply Fiber introduced a 50 Gbit/s broadband service across its entire fiber network in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana. But Ziply Fiber's top-shelf speed offering, which sells for a lofty $900 per month, doesn't use PON. Instead it's underpinned by a fiber-based Ethernet connection that requires some additional, specialized equipment in the customer's home.

Türk Telekom and ZTE have also connected on a 50G PON trial.

'The new norm'

GFiber currently offers symmetrical 8 Gbit/s speeds in all its fiber markets (with XGS-PON), and up to 20 Gbit/s in select markets, including Kansas City, North Carolina's Triangle region, and parts of Arizona and Iowa. More GFiber markets will get access to 20-Gig speeds as the operator looks to deploy Nokia's 25G PON technology across all its markets by the end of the year.

Multi-gig speeds are "already the new norm," Hsu explained, adding that the new 50G PON technology will be able to coexist with the fiber running the operator's XGS-PON and 25G PON infrastructure. In the Kansas City trial, GFiber said it used Nokia gear to simultaneously run 10G/25G PON along with 25G/50G PON over its fiber network.
What's the point of it and who actually uses it?
big gamers, streamers, day traders, remote work in editing, media etc could potentially justify it if you're moving large files constantly. Say you wanted to work from home and you work had huge files you had to work with... you could in theory pull those files to your home insanely fast (as long as your work server could handle the transfer/upload fast). I would assume the upload speed is also really high to transfer files back to work or whatever.