Sold 2013 civic ex OEM wheels and tires

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Orange County
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Selling my 2013 ex alloy wheels and tires only have 11,xxx miles on them got dipped 2months already filled with air and ready to go! 500 OBO. hmu on here or ig stickyrickylol thanks guys.

@sahil they were dipped with them on and with a gun but I recently removed the dip because I had a buyer that did not want it on. Then last second he choose to not buy them so I pretty much removed fresh dip for nothing...
@sahil you need to add a bunch of Coats man. The more you put on the easier it'll be to take off in the future some people do like 9-10 coats it's really up to you. Like when you start doing it it only takes like 3 coats to make your wheels black but don't stop trust me you will hate your life trying to peel off plasti dip with only 3 coats. I did like 7 coats I bought 4 cans.
@stickyrickylol ok thanks bud :) I'll visit Home Depot and look into that and didn't know about layers part I was looking for like 5-6 lol but now I'll probably bump it to like 7-8 like u did since we got same rims.
@sahil yeah bro no prob where I live Home Depot has just black I heard lowes has more colors and white and stuff. My buddy did like 5 coats of black on his evo wheels but he is gonna do orange soon but he said instead of taking off the black he's just gonna add orange ontop so later on it'll add more dip to make my easier to peel off to be honest I'm not sure if it works that way lol
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