DIY 2015 Si 2d rear seat delete

Who the hell would want to have wood in the car?:shady::screwy: All that work and effort to add more weight lol
My bad. For some reason I thought it said you were using wood. I've seen others build it out of wood, just like nix posted before.
Damn I didint even think to look. Unfortunate, I really liked where this was going.
You don't use your back seat for people ever? If it's all about the look, I see no reason you couldn't copy what he did. It's not going to be much weight reduction at all. Maybe 2-4 pounds if that.
You don't use your back seat for people ever? If it's all about the look, I see no reason you couldn't copy what he did. It's not going to be much weight reduction at all. Maybe 2-4 pounds if that.
I would think it would be more than that. And no I usually only have myself. And sometimes my girlfriend but that is the extent of it. I may give it a shot. It would give me an excuse to not have a bunch of people on my car
The foam in the seat isn't going to weigh a ton less than a carpeted piece. I've had a previous civic apart and the rear foam doesn't weigh much.
The seats also make it much quieter in the car. It's pretty effective sound deadening. Try driving with the rear seat down and it will be noticeably louder in the car.