9CCD III: Official Chat Thread

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Allright y'all. Anyone on the fence about coming due to not having a place to sleep? Let me know if you are stuck, hard up for cash, just wanna come for a night, have gas money but not sleeping money, or eating money, but still want to show up and at least make an appearance. I probably have at least a spot on the floor, or kitchen table, you could sleep on.

Don't put off this amazing time over something so trivial. Seriously. With super guide @death_roll leading again you will not be disappointed. It is a great time to finally meet people and to really be able to drive your car. Yeah, most people don't look as good in real life as you think they might. Hahahaha.

Also, Mr.Roll may not lead this forever so don't miss you chance to experience it.
I will take it slow. I really just want to leave this Louisiana heat and see some nice scenery. It's hard to take all that in going 100mph
If you make it to 100mph, you're going to see lots of scenery (as you go down the mountain :D).
Pretty much lol

Being an adult is rough! :\
I'm serious. If you want to go but don't want to spend $$ on gas I can pick ya up and drop ya off. I'm sure tons of people will offer u shotgun (nix since he drives slow)
At least she can keep up lol
^_^ really?

I'm being nice offering her a ride to the Dragon :P
haha I'll drive, I'm just not a big fan of going out there alone. Plus I have a ton of stuff I need to get done here in the next couple months :pat:
haha I'll drive, I'm just not a big fan of going out there alone. Plus I have a ton of stuff I need to get done here in the next couple months :pat:

Jeff can escort you if you can tolerate driving like grandma. Once you're here (fontana), we'll all be around, some of us are arriving early.
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