9th Gen 2012 Civic Short Shifter Finally Here!

Just got mine today, does it supposed to come with two screws as described on the manual? I only received the short shifter and a small tube of grease.
That's not good:/ sorry to hear that, hope the send you some asap
What make was the 8thgen one you installed? Was it a CT Engineering?
It would be vision motorworks it looks dead on same as the ct eng one

What about the Loctite? Did you get too? Looks like it comes with that as well.
When I opened the Loctite bag, it only had the small tube of grease, nothing else.
Ok guys I just got in touch with Pro Civic (They have one of the best customer service there is!!!) and a big shout out to Eric from Pro Civic, he's awesome, and very helpful; he should get a raise!! Ok so I have everything, the two screws are already screw inside the short shifter. I can't wait to have this installed :)
I take it the cutting went smooth
The cutting was hard at the beginning, because I did not wanted to take the whole thing out. However you can take the right side panel off, and use a Dremmel for cutting. Webby, can you pm me an email address where I can send you a couple of pictures where you need to cut, I tried uploading them, but the pics where too large.
reason you need to trim the shifter assembly because the short shifter shifts the cable down a bit and when you shift the assembly gets in the way.. the part that needs to be cut is just where part of the wiring loom connects.. its just there to keep things clean looking..
reason you need to trim the shifter assembly because the short shifter shifts the cable down a bit and when you shift the assembly gets in the way.. the part that needs to be cut is just where part of the wiring loom connects.. its just there to keep things clean looking..
Thank you again Joon for installing my short shifter :1:you got my text about the signal light?
Would this be very difficult to install? I know it says on the Pro Civic website that "Install Difficulty" is 1 but I'm a rookie and don't really know exactly what I'm doing hahaha
reason you need to trim the shifter assembly because the short shifter shifts the cable down a bit and when you shift the assembly gets in the way.. the part that needs to be cut is just where part of the wiring loom connects.. its just there to keep things clean looking..
Here's a picture of what needs to be trimmed, however you do not need to take the whole shifter unit out. You can simply take the side panel from the Shifter Center Console off, and you can use the Dremmel for cutting.

If Eddie Blanco or Bozo decides to purchase the shifter, I'll help them out and will make a video :)



Again, you don't need this piece at all, and what Joon Joon had previously stated, " Reason you need to trim the shifter assembly because the short shifter shifts the cable down a bit and when you shift the assembly gets in the way, the part that needs to be cut is just where part of the wiring loom connects. its just there to keep things clean looking."
So far so good, I'm loving my shifter. It's a tighter smooth transition in each gear, and you can definitely feel the quickness per shift.