9thcivic Georgia+ Crew Meet - 11-02-13

What a fun time,great to meet everyone,great people.glad to see Jason Butler show up!!! It's not like I didn't try to get him to go every night for the last two weeks! But a fun day it was except later that night my back shifter cable grommet broke off and now my car only can go into 1,3,5 gear with no reverse!! Has anyone experienced this after putting cable bushings in? Do you know the fix? Part needed? This is not helping my stress rate,or my blood pressure. Anyone that can give me advice please let me know ASAP,this totally sucks,and yes Christine I stopped and sprayed off my car on the way home,it was embarrassing how dirty that small rain did to it!
Great pics! I'm glad I at least made an attempt to wash my car even though I didn't have the proper equipment haha :rotfl:
then where do I post to get us on the calendar? wait is there entry's for each month to be on the calendar?

No the entries each month are for Ride of the Month.

The calendar is usually accepting entries from mid-September to November every year. It has nothing to do with Ride of the Month.
There is a link in my siggy for calendar entries. Just make sure to read the information in the first post.
@stormCIVIC this picture is certainly possible calendar material.
You obviously got some mad skills. You could work with this idea/concept and try to take more similar photos. Focus on getting some really cool reflections in the emblem.
