9thcivic Referral Cards - Get Some


quite a few packages shipped today. If you requested cards - they are in route
Once I get them, I'm gonna go to dealer lots and put them on every 9th Civic there.
I appreciate the efforts, but I'll throw this warning out for everyone. I've heard from dealerships where people did this and they just trashed everything. Someone from the dealership saw them, and they pulled them off vehicles. They were in the trash in no time. If you talk to the dealer and they are willing to hand them out...that's another situation.
Just tell them, you and your website will bring more people in their dealership over the others in the area if these are placed at the front desk. They get sales and dont have to really do much anything. And we get direct publicity.
New members...get your referral cards here.
New members...get your referral cards here.
I've been visiting a family member in the hospital the last couple of days (just routine surgery) and have been carding all the 9th gens I walk past in the parking garage, which is a lot surprisingly!
You're the exception to the area?
Well, there are about 15 000 anglophones here and the population is about 600 000.
About 2.5% English ya. Many speak English as a second language however as it's a tourist town.
I'm definitely a minority here.
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