Bruce Bartlow
Late apex everything
- 1,599
- 865
- Vehicle Model
- Rented a C8 for a week (what a monster) ended up buying a TLX. Beautiful car inside and out. Killer stereo. Handles better than it should given its weight. Not my dream car, just a Honda Accord in a tux.
- Body Style
- Sedan with the backseat of a two-seater
_______________Well the hidden cost on my sub was time. It took close to 48 hours to finish if I had to guess. 75 % probably being sanding to get the finish smooth and perfect. Probably would've been faster if I had a power sander lol.
You can replace the factory sub with another 8" sub in the factory housing but I do not recommend it. The issue being it's free air. You won't get performance that way and it won't make much of a difference. If you were to put an 8" in a box it would sound way better. And a 10" better still imo. 12" can be a bit much for me sometimes
Thanks... that's a good tip on sizes.