All things April Fool's Day 2014

It's almost over. Sniff

Well. I got in a couple good ones today. The best one was a girl in the gr. 4 class I teach asked me if I could help her and her dad play a joke on her mom. So, I went along with it and wrote a note in her agenda for her mom to sign. You have to understand that this girl is super nice, but has had arguments with her friends. Her mom is one of the sweetest mothers I have ever met. Anyway, The note I wrote went something like this...

This note is to inform you that your daughter has been bullying others at school recently and today she got into an actual fight with two other girls. One of the girls had a bleeding nose. Your daughter will be missing all of her breaks tomorrow and will be in an in-school suspension as a consequence for her very inappropriate behaviour.

Looks like all 110+ people are back to normal again. Thanks to those who played along willingly, unwillingly, and unknowingly.
It was fun. I was trying to figure out if I had to flip my picture over again. Gotta watch out for Pauly, he's a devious one.

On another note. My company's IT guys were late telling us they were shutting our supercomputers down for a month TODAY. FAIL. It's not April fools anymore guys. They should have sent the message out yesterday.