Apple CarPlay

no angry birds? Seriously this seems like a bad idea for a lot of people. So many buttons/commands. I can see this leading to a lot of accidents
Not sure if this carries much weight, but it seems like Honda will be bringing Carplay to cars eventually.
CarPlay was advertised in marketing materials for 2014 models. Now it is 2015 and none of the Honda models have CarPlay. So 'eventually' to Honda pretty much means 'Don't hold your breath'. Honda will probably get around to it in 2016. At least you can be hopeful that any DisplayAudio radio could receive a firmware update to include CarPlay.
I'm still hoping that when CarPlay is finally released the 2014's can get a software update to enable it especially since the Apple shows the interior from our cars.
I Tweeted Honda Canada :canada: just last week and they said "Apple CarPlay will come to Honda vehicles as soon as possible – we’re working actively on it"
Still no commitment from them on a release date :sadface:
I Tweeted Honda Canada :canada: just last week and they said "Apple CarPlay will come to Honda vehicles as soon as possible – we’re working actively on it"
Still no commitment from them on a release date :sadface:

Thats the nice way of saying: "I have no clue."
Honestly, I don't think we are missing out on much with CarPlay. At first I was frustrated that we didn't have it right away, but I've watched several real world reviews on it and it seems like the Siri integration (which drives most of CarPlay) slows the experience down too much to be useful. Don't get me wrong, the UI looks slick (much better than the native honda infotainment) it's just not quite up to speed yet. It definitely would be nice to have the option though, and the fact that it would constantly be updated with each firmware release is promising. Especially since Honda probably won't touch their display audio software for awhile. I guess we'll have to wait and see!
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This picture on the Apple website is the Civic radio with CarPlay on it and it's been like that since CarPlay was announced. Honda needs to get up off their butts and give it to us. I tweeted the Honda Customer Service page about a month ago and the response I got was some bullshit about how "its availability as it has not been released from Apple." BULLSHIT! I move that we pull a Shawshank Redemption and tweet Honda about CarPlay until they finally give it to us!
I believe that Apple had run into a few regulatory issues that pushed back the availability of CarPlay for new vehicles, its not just Honda dragging their feet.
I hope that CarPlay is released on Honda's by the time the iPhone 6s comes out.
I'm going to switch to the new phone and it would be nice to be able to use CarPlay with the new phone.
I hate waiting. I'm so impatient.......:sadface:
Apples website claims CarPlay will work with iPhone 5 and newer.
in general.... it should be across all manufactured cars they're going to support.
Maybe we should start a petition to get Honda and Apple to get this thing working....