Black Friday Deals 2011

You need an iPhone case?..or present for someone
it's pure chaos there right now... have you ever done a black friday there?
well, unless you enjoy the lines/crowds/pushing/insanity.. I'd avoid it. I met a guy who said he was on his 7th consecutive year of black friday best buy shopping. He arrived around 4pm every year - (that was when they opened the next morning at 5am). They'd pass out tickets for the big items around 3-4am, so you knew what you would/wouldn't get. He'd basically ask for every big ticket, and then he'd start an auction down the waiting line. He'd see where the tickets ran out, and then he'd ask how much people would pay for his tickets. He'd sell them all off, and drive home. He said he had always cleared $300+ from selling his tickets to people.
well, unless you enjoy the lines/crowds/pushing/insanity.. I'd avoid it. I met a guy who said he was on his 7th consecutive year of black friday best buy shopping. He arrived around 4pm every year - (that was when they opened the next morning at 5am). They'd pass out tickets for the big items around 3-4am, so you knew what you would/wouldn't get. He'd basically ask for every big ticket, and then he'd start an auction down the waiting line. He'd see where the tickets ran out, and then he'd ask how much people would pay for his tickets. He'd sell them all off, and drive home. He said he had always cleared $300+ from selling his tickets to people.

Insane....I went there last year at 3am. Got the ticket like an hour or two later. Walked out of the store 20 mins after they let me in.

I'm waiting for Cyber Monday this year. There are a couple things online that I need to buy today for xmas presents.
you got there at 3am and got a ticket for big items???? There were easily ... EASILY 175+ people standing in line AFTER the tickets ran out. So all of those people bid on his tickets. There were probably 75 people standing in line from midnight on. So if you didn't stand in line the entire night, you wouldn't have received anything big - unless you bought tickets.