BMW M3 Track Car

I actually did that in Sept 2011. That's where my VIR pics came from. I'd do it again if I had the $50. To anybody else that might be interested, it was TOTALLY worth it. $50 got me: A long sleeve shirt with track map/PCA logos/date/session info, around 45 minutes of class time that wasn't needed (but for somebody not familiar with racing it would be informative), and a 35 minute session on VIR's South Course with instructor (who was drunk). I was pretty encouraged by him though because he really didn't have to give me any real race instruction. He basically complimented the race line I was using and told me I could exit one corner a little further out. :rotfl:

It was awesome fun. I equate the Intro DE class to that first crack rock the dope man gives you to get you hooked. :shadyhat: Anybody thinking about coming to Gingersnap's track day should spend the extra $50 to enhance their visit to beautiful VIR. :thumbsup:




End whoring of your thread.