Burning Oil?


Well-Known Member
So my buddy's sister has a 2012 Si but isn't on this forum for some reason. Lately her car's been burning oil (30k miles), is this a problem that any of you guys have had?

backstory from what I remember:
Apparently when taking turns, the oil light used to come on but whenever they checkd the oil it's okay. This goes on for a couple weeks so they take it to the honda dealership, apparently the honda guys said she was a quart lower than what it usually is. And the guy said it's typical for Si's to do that (as in burn oil?) past 30k miles. Luckily for her, all that stuff is covered or whatnot because of the drivetrain warranty.

I haven't had a problem with it because i'm still around 15k. I don't know if this is just a malfunction of her Si or just a problem the si has all in itself.