Car thieves still love Honda according to LoJack annual report


Toys For Tots
Car thieves still love Honda according to LoJack annual report


In 2010, the company says that fully 90 percent of vehicles equipped with its car tracking hardware was recovered.

LoJack has been at this game for a while, and last year, it started to release its own Vehicle Theft Recovery Report. The second annual report is hot off the LoJack presses and the data is ... not surprising, if you own a Honda.

In 2010, the most stolen and recovered vehicles were: (last years rank in parenthesis)

10. Chevrolet Tahoe (7)
9. Nissan Maxima (New)
8. Nissan Altima (8)
7. Dodge Ram (New)
6. Toyota Corolla (6)
5. Cadillac Escalade (5)
4. Acura Integra (4)
3. Toyota Camry (3)
2. Honda Civic (1)
1. Honda Accord (2)
I wonder what reasons they attribute to certain models being the most stolen.

Maybe high sales numbers, certain price range, cost for replacement parts?