EU working to ban gas and diesel-powered cars by 2050


Toys For Tots
EU working to ban gas and diesel-powered cars by 2050


According to new reports, the European Union will announce plans to ban all fossil fuel-powered cars in Europe by 2050. The detailed plan will be outlined in the European Union's Roadmap on Transport, which will come out on Monday. By 2030, the EU plans to have reduced fossil fuel traffic by half, particularly in urban areas.

The EU hopes to achieve its goal by ramping up focus on hybrid technology in the next couple decades to make a smooth transition to all-electric power by the middle of the century. A big part of the shift seems to be moving away from personal transportation and toward public conveyances wherever possible.

The EU says the overall goal for the project is to reduce traffic-related C02 emissions by 60 percent in 2050. A big part of the reduction will come from the effort to achieve zero-C02 transportation in major urban areas, where people travel by car 75 percent of the time.

For its part, Ford Motor Company has already come out with a response to the legislation, criticizing the EU's plan, and we wouldn't be surprised to see more statements from other automakers follow suit soon.