Facebook redesigns News Feed, officially adds Ticker - more changes coming

he wanted to be the only social site to announce when someone hadn't taken their daily dump yet



If you want your feed to go back to normal, 1. Go to Account Settings 2. Go to Notifications At the top right is a box that says "Email Frequency" 3. Uncheck box in "Email Frequency" Your feed will show all the posts again. Then go to your home page and anything in the "Top Stories" click on the down arrow in the upper left and "unmark as top story" - now your newsfeed will be setup by timestamp rather than randomly picking "top stories".

No clue if this works, but people were praising this info on forums
Supposedly this kills the ticker: http://lifehacker.com/5842578/how-to-kill-the-facebook-news-ticker


How to Kill the Facebook News Ticker

The most annoying new feature in the Facebook redesign has to be the news ticker (although you can make an argument for some of the other additions as well). Tech blog SumTips came up with three ways to kill this feed.

The easiest way (which is also the way that worked the best for me) involves using AdBlock Plus on Firefox or Chrome, and adding the following custom filters in the extension's preferences.



Then, refresh Facebook and you should be in business (that is, the news ticker should be gone).

If you have Chrome, you can also install Unannoying Facebook, which gets rid of the news feed as well as the pinned bar on top. Or, if you have the Better Facebook extension, you can paste this into the CSS options under Advanced Options Mode.

/* Hide Facebook live ticker */
.ticker_stream { display:none !important; }

We'll spare you the Xzibit jokes and just be glad that the stupid news feed is gone.
Lol wow. Using adblock and plugins! Kind of humorous to see what people will do to retain the old style.
Yeah, I wish they'd hurry up and give us privacy abilities... so we can at least decide what we show of us in the ticker...ugh

I've been avoiding facebook more and more now
Yeah, I wish they'd hurry up and give us privacy abilities... so we can at least decide what we show of us in the ticker...ugh

I've been avoiding facebook more and more now

I agree! Not like I have anything to hide but it's the point. I want the option to show certain people stuff and not EVERYONE..
I don't mind what my friends see...but obviously my settings are set so that friend of friends cannot see..... so why not let the public see it all >_<