:gah:....A/C in the house is busted

Tried the motor I had and no go....same ish going on. Just have to sit and wait now....

So dejected and tired....
so did they send you the wrong motor size initially, or is that guy getting you a replacement motor for tomorrow now?
Nah....the guy the came today used all his parts. Worked for 20 mins then stopped. So he is coming tomorrow with a new motor.

I tried putting in the motor I bought this morning and it did the same thing. So I put all his stuff back in and just waiting till he comes tomorrow.
Someone was supposed to be here by 8am.....haven't seen that person yet and the guy isn't answering his phone or calling me back.
Trying to see about pricing out a new unit for the outside. :pat:
There is an A/C god.....Dude just left and fixed it. Put one wrong wire in the wrong spot. :pat: " i don't know how I missed that, usually it won't come on at all"

I glad it is over....I was getting worried and sick about maybe having to spend a couple Gs for a new unit.
:clapping: and now it's :snow::snow: at nomars!! Glad you got it back up and running
Temp. in the house is back to normal cool 72F. :woot:
You would slightly melt cause I sure did....