Hello 9th ;)

I got tired of oil filters. They get really dirty and clog up for some reason. The cleaning and preparation also took so long.
Are you talking drop in oil filter, or cone oil filter like on a cai? ^^
The cone oil filter. I'm not sure if the drop-in is the same. I should've been more specific.
MPG on the RDX is a little crappy, although their great crossovers though, fun to drive and when you build up boost with i-VTEC kicking in..you'll love it. Welcome to 9thcivic though!
The hydro-shields also help the filters from getting really dirty. My hydro-shield was actually dirty when I checked my filter so I ended up cleaning that with just dish soap and water.


I also installed EBC Red Stuff front brake pads on my car and rotated the rotors. It took me less than an hour to do it. I didn't know how easy it was to install these. I'm not sure about the rear brakes.
Ive never done the rears I heard they were harder could be wrong, but yea the fronts are pretty easy to do.
I heard that you need a caliper separator/compressor to clamp down the piston. It doesn't seem that bad.

I just bought 102 SMD LED H11 bulbs for my fogs since my Nokya 2500k burn like a b*tch.

I also bought a new fog light kit from k2motor.com (I bought it through ebay cuz it's $20 less) because my old fog light wire harness shorted my car's electrical causing it to shut down while I was driving. :omg:

Hopefully I can get them before the weekend so I can install them on the car.
man that deff would have to suck driving at night. I have yet to install fogs on my car, I know I should but I am lazy lol

Thses came in today. Now I just have to wait for the fog light kit.
I'm afraid these bulbs won't be able to go through the fog light housing since they are fat and bulky. lol. I'll just have to end up using a dremmel to make the hole bigger for these bulbs to fit.

It's funny how I don't have a build thread in the 8th. :giggle:
Haha. Well I'm moving on. The 8th is full of "trolls".

The K2Motor foglight kit came in! I can't wait til I install these. I had to bend one of the prongs on the LED so it would fit in the housing. The hole in the fog light housing is actually big enough for these fat bulbs to go through, surprisingly.
Yeah. I wish I was free now so I can put these on. I did try these on my dad's Pilot before I installed the HIDs and they were pretty bright (Pilot lows are H11 bulb type).