Home fence legality question

I would guess that the fence is either entierly on your property or on his. Here in Quebec people often plant cedar hedges to be used as fences/barriers and they must be on one person's property. That person becomes entirely responsible for the hedge. The fact that he was on your property painting that fence leads me to believe that the fence does in fact belong to him....both sides. That being said, it is ridiculous that he gets upset that it gets wet, as mentioned above it rains all the time......this guy may have a screw loose.?....use caution.
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I would guess that the fence is either entierly on your property or on his. Here in Quebec people often plant cedar hedges to be used as fences/barriers and they must be on one person's property. That person becomes entirely responsible for the hedge. The fact that he was on your property painting that fence leads me to believe that the fence does in fact belong to him....both sides. That being said, it is ridiculous that he gets upset that it gets wet, as mentioned above it rains all the time.....*****.this guy may have a screw loose.?*******....use caution.
YOU THINK ? ....... :eyebrows:
Very strange. Next time you wash your car, start washing the fence all nonchalant ... soap and all. Counter crazy with even crazier. Then spray him with the hose and do a rain dance. He'll leave you alone.
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A fence is on the property line, at least in Cali. When I went to put my fence up, I could of made my neighbour responsible for half the costs. If he refused, I could have taken him to small claims court and sued. The price was not an issue as much as keeping peace with the neighbors. I put up a 4ft chain link in the front yard that was up against the sidewalk, not on, but against it. The fence between our yards was more on my side, but the mow strip for his side was on the property line. He called the county code enforcement on me for "Improper building materials, to close to the property line, on the side walk and to tall". When they came out, they looked at the fence, property line and sidewalk. Then they told me "your right sir, it is to close to the property line, he can move it 6 more inches to YOUR side, as the fence can be on the line". I giggled. "And sir, as for the to close to the sidewalk, if you look sir, down the street, if he moves his, alllll these people will be moving theirs and guess who is going to get the blame?" He later called the water district on me for running water all night and flooding his house. Turned out, it was the fire hydrant was on to clean the lines and forgot to turn it off. He later moved to Las Vegas in the summer. I feel good about that. In hell where he belongs. Ohh and he was a Wal-Mart greeter :thumbsup:
I'm pretty sure the laws will vary by region as to whose fence it is. Also, I believe fences usually aren't built right on the lot line either from my understanding, so you'd need to determine where the line actually is. My wife is a lawyer and a friend of ours is dealing with a fence issue with one of their neighbors right now...I heard her mention something about "adverse possession", but I'm not even going to try and understand all the laws involved there. :D

As far as spraying it with water, ground water is actually more damaging than rain water. However it is just a fence, not a car, and spotting wouldn't be that noticeable. I'm not sure what he's worried about but maybe asking him wouldn't hurt. You definitely don't want to get into a war with your neighbor though...been down that road before. :D
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Maybe since its a metal fence, you could offer to wax it. :giggle: The fence, or his a$$, whichever makes him happier
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