Hurricane Sandy


imagine these guys... :whiteflag:
Rain n wind here. Some serious gusts, worried about my neighbors trees they are bending pretty bad. My dad just went out in the tundra to pick up my mom from work.
Hoboken Terminal. Hoboken is probably the new Atantis.
It looks like a scene from 'I am Legend'.
Water coming up my street. Gene has video. I'll see if I can post it.

Neighbors across the street just lost power. Not us yet. Hoping we won't have to move the cars.

About a foot of water and rising
River Road needs boat-like motor vehicles.
The fire dept across the street has them out already. The police up the street do too
Okay, so a big branch fell off the tree that is infront of my house. And now it is hanging on the main power line. Lol.
Lost power ETA 8pm. Just realized I can't get to my Si since my garage door is electric powered fml
Still have power. Blowing pretty hard at times. I can hear tree branches coming down on the roof - nothing big. Any one of the trees near my house would be bad if they fell.

I'm surprised Marla isn't freaking out. Maybe because I'm being totally casual about everything.

Since the center picked up so much speed, tomorrow should be a lot calmer.