I hate it when...

i hate it when my bf decides to climb back into bed half hour before he should wake, and when i wake him 15 min later he doesn't get up, and it becomes my fault that he's running late...
Since when is it your fault he's not doing something? I knew somebody like that, it irritated the crap out of me lol
I hate it when I get the shakes and then realize it's because I forgot the time and need to eat
Since when is it your fault he's not doing something? I knew somebody like that, it irritated the crap out of me lol
It doesn't happen always, but he's on a work binge, and it's my fault cuz I came over to get sum which made him more tired than he already was cuz he's been working 12hr+ days. :shrugs: I didn't rape him lol. But I did wake him, so it isn't my fault no matter what he thinks. :D
It doesn't happen always, but he's on a work binge, and it's my fault cuz I came over to get sum which made him more tired than he already was cuz he's been working 12hr+ days. :shrugs: I didn't rape him lol. But I did wake him, so it isn't my fault no matter what he thinks. :D
Lol I see
I hate it when coworkers don't know the difference between being sick and not feeling good. I have 1 calling in sick for a cough and 1 milking workmens comp because he fell two weeks ago a "has a sore shoulder". He's taken 2 weeks off so far because a Dr said he was fine and he didn't like that answer so he's seeking additional help.
I hate it when I accidentally get some gluten in my food and then feel like puking the rest of the day.
I hate it when you are driving in a blinding white out condition witht 85-100 foot visibility, and you don't dare stop, otherwise you will get plowed into by either oncoming traffic or people behind you. 45-50 km/hr at best, <2 seconds max visibility. 4 way flashers on the whole trip, all you can see is white from tree line to tree line.