I hate it when...

I hate it when on the way to the races, your boost doesn't boost. Busted cars FTL
Nomar06, that's the story of my life. Every single time I work on anything I gotta go bum tools off the neighbor...lol
I hate it when you wanna go for a sprited drive on a back road but there is a slow driver in front of you and then a cop joins in behind you and the slow driver in front drives slower....
I hate it when i climb so much that i have to take a few weeks off so i dont destroy a tendon
I hate it when its passover and i get invited out to a friends house for dinner
I hate it when my co worker complains about not being paid enough......stfu and get back to work i say......ggggrrrr I hear this daily.
If they say it enough they won't have a job :rotfl: Then they'll really be complaining