LEGO Lovers Anonymous





Lego seems to keep my hands and mind busy, working on my legos takes my mind off of all the crap that is going on in my life.
How are you enjoying the bridge? I hate those tan little wedges :rotfl: I wanted to throw them against the wall LOL

Jealous about the shop :D
The little pieces are driving me crazy but all is good, i am looking forward to seeing it finished.
Haha yeah. They'll make you mental but it'll be worth it in the end and it is so rewarding. You'll be very proud :D

I was kinda bummed i didnt get any mini figs with tower bridge too. The cars aren't very proportional Just buy a Lego harry potter kit and throw some of them on there like i did :rotfl:
so i let wifey pick out teh set I bought today, I was gonna get a different one but I grabbed the one she picked and I told her it wasnt like I wouldnt be back to buy the set i wanted in the first place.

side note: I set iup a team building outing with the new floor supervisor.....we are going to the lego Boss ok'd it I was shocked
The team building outing is sometime in a few We get to do it during work hours so I can for see me and my co worker spending a few hours looking at legos.
:rotfl: That's awesome. Do they have an area where you can play with a bucket of legos?
oh lol i thought they might have had a building place for kids could do a team building activity there LOL