Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Psh! Paying less for less! The Civic's got you covered!

Can a Ram look you in the eye, straight-up, swear on a Dodge Ram Owner's Manual, and tell you it'll be there for you in your absolute weakest moment to quietly carry you to your destination? I mean we're talkin' rain, sleet, snow, wildfire, extraterrestrial invasion, bank overdraft--

Is a Ram truly a Ride-or-Die?

A homie until the wheels fall off?!


Why are random vehicles talking to you?
It’s a POS Chevy Lumina….it would sort of understand if it was a Porsche or Lambo…
the coffee grinder stopped grinding half way through the job and started smoking, justification to just call the day lost and get back in bed right?
the coffee grinder stopped grinding half way through the job and started smoking, justification to just call the day lost and get back in bed right?

Get a rolling pin out and go for a super fine "grind".