Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Psh! Paying less for less! The Civic's got you covered!

Can a Ram look you in the eye, straight-up, swear on a Dodge Ram Owner's Manual, and tell you it'll be there for you in your absolute weakest moment to quietly carry you to your destination? I mean we're talkin' rain, sleet, snow, wildfire, extraterrestrial invasion, bank overdraft--

Is a Ram truly a Ride-or-Die?

A homie until the wheels fall off?!


Why are random vehicles talking to you?
It’s a POS Chevy Lumina….it would sort of understand if it was a Porsche or Lambo…
the coffee grinder stopped grinding half way through the job and started smoking, justification to just call the day lost and get back in bed right?

Get a rolling pin out and go for a super fine "grind".