Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Out of curiosity, anyone in here work in cybersecurity? If so, just wondering if you're solid in your career or have been looking (and how that's been going)?

For context, I recently departed military service and as part of my transition, I did get a job but it just doesn't feel right. People are good, company is good, pay is significantly below what I was earning in uniform (about 25% less), so I've been poking around at finding a better job in my area. However, the biggest issue I've found is just a ton of rejection and a huge struggle to even screen for an interview. So, it has me wondering if maybe I'm just doing something wrong or if others are experiencing the same thing.
Out of curiosity, anyone in here work in cybersecurity? If so, just wondering if you're solid in your career or have been looking (and how that's been going)?

For context, I recently departed military service and as part of my transition, I did get a job but it just doesn't feel right. People are good, company is good, pay is significantly below what I was earning in uniform (about 25% less), so I've been poking around at finding a better job in my area. However, the biggest issue I've found is just a ton of rejection and a huge struggle to even screen for an interview. So, it has me wondering if maybe I'm just doing something wrong or if others are experiencing the same thing.
I'm not in Cybersecurity, but I do work in Tech.

It's kind of like that everywhere (at least near me) , unfortunately. It's hard to break through all of the weird hiring algorithm stuff to even get an interview with real people nowadays. Depending on what buzzwords you use and how your resume is formatted, the pre-screening program will either keep or sideline your submission to a lot of companies. So you wind up sending like a bazillion applications for only a handful of responses.

We had 4 kids stop by our door. Have a of of candy left over(at least its what I like, lol). Glad I didn't buy the 300 piece candy bag, lol.

@AlmosN8kd maybe try talking to a recruitment firm/job agency? I've had good luck with them but that was like 10 years ago. I'm sure they can at least talk to you and see how things are going on now a days since they deal with that 24/7.
We had 4 kids stop by our door. Have a of of candy left over(at least its what I like, lol). Glad I didn't buy the 300 piece candy bag, lol.

Damn! I think I bought 2x200 piece bags and all besides a small amount gone. And my MIL came over and brought some of her candy to give out.

The kids were like huh? We get candy from both of you lol

MIL ran out of the candy she brought and gave out some of ours and she had pencils (dumb) too.. there were kids that wanted them lol they were like Christmas ones or fancy ones.

I'm like great we gonna get egged lol
Damn! I think I bought 2x200 piece bags and all besides a small amount gone. And my MIL came over and brought some of her candy to give out.

The kids were like huh? We get candy from both of you lol

MIL ran out of the candy she brought and gave out some of ours and she had pencils (dumb) too.. there were kids that wanted them lol they were like Christmas ones or fancy ones.

I'm like great we gonna get egged lol

because the place we went was so busy they were giving out one candy per kid, the community donates the candy to this neighborhood through the school so we only have what the kids got last night. last night was straight out of a movie too. it was great. people of all ages dressed up and even older kids getting candy. then a decent fireworks show at like 8pm. there was also talk of a guy with a chain saw deep in the woods scaring people off a trail. we started to head down but it was way too far and the kids were a little scared. how do i share a video on here without loading it up to youtube?
Early work start to the day. Probably another 12 hour day ahead to get everything done. It’s been a long week.

Maybe tonight I get the Teggy back from the detailer. It’s getting ceramic coated down to the brake calipers so it keeps looking pretty.