Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

whole free range egg thing
I saw some show about that not too long ago and it was crazy. The farmer basically had a 8 foot x 8 foot section of grass outside the barn for like a billion chickens, and that allowed him to call it free range or something insane.
I’m slightly curious how they stock it for sale with it being in bags. Do you open a fridge door and there is just a big pile of milk bags? I’m assuming it’s cheaper to distribute and uses less plastic than gallon milk jugs.

It’s usually displayed like this in the US

Wow, if this were the States, people popping the bags for fun would become an immediate issue

Ahhhh there ya go. Okay makes sense. Yea YouTubers for a while thought it was hilarious to throw milk jugs on the ground to make them explode all over. I could see idiots just dragging a knife blade across the whole aisle causing a mess for the YouTube views.
I remember milk and yogurt(drinkable kind) in bags from when I was a kid living in Argentina. Everyone's house always had 2 plastic holders to put the mil or yogurt bag in them.

I believe some stores had small milk crates, where 9 bags or so are placed into and then they sit on the cooler shelves. Customers just grabbed the bags from he crates.

All the labeling and "regulations" of eggs, chickens and cows are all bullshit. My wifes brother-in-law has a small cow farm(for beef) and is looking into getting into chickens as well. It's really all crap just to get people to pay more for basically the same crap it always has been. Whats the worst is that its what the people initially wanted but since we have to feed sooooo many people, the regulations are SUPER lax so as to be able to call something one thing and that thing barely qualifies for it. He says in some ways it is way worse.

So for eggs, he pretty much says to raise a couple chickens so you can have your own eggs or just buy the cheap stuff. There really isn't any real difference other than the price.
My folks bought 5 chickens. They have eggs for days and have started selling them by the dozens. They get about 2 dozen per week.
i can tell the difference between free range and store bought eggs. but free range to me is buying them from someone selling them on the side of the road. i want chickens. we eat eggs all the time.
I saw some show about that not too long ago and it was crazy. The farmer basically had a 8 foot x 8 foot section of grass outside the barn for like a billion chickens, and that allowed him to call it free range or something insane.

That's because there is no regulation on what something like "free range" actually means, just that the animal has the 'option' to walk around outside. Doesn't say for how long or what space is required. So, in the words of Alton Brown, one man's postage stamp, is another man's pasture.

I've never watched any of that guy's videos before. But, I have to say, that being the first one, I was very annoyed with his presentation. I think it was just the repetitiveness of his, "check this out" every few minutes to basically show an arts and crafts project. The redesign of the body is kinda neat overall, but it isn't ground breaking in my opinion.
My folks bought 5 chickens. They have eggs for days and have started selling them by the dozens. They get about 2 dozen per week.
So I would need at least 5 chickens.....good to know, lol. Wife and I have 2 eggs each every morning so we buy alot. Def have the space for some chickens and 3 neighbors already have chickens. Might as well going the group.

Any chance you might know how much they spend on the upkeep of 5 chickens?
So I would need at least 5 chickens.....good to know, lol. Wife and I have 2 eggs each every morning so we buy alot. Def have the space for some chickens and 3 neighbors already have chickens. Might as well going the group.

Any chance you might know how much they spend on the upkeep of 5 chickens?
I asked my son's parents this as they have chickens. I feel like she said it's like $40 in food a month. Cnd.