Mother Of All Whore Threads Non-VIP Edition v.1

Anyone need a laugh?

Man. Been years since I’ve been over there.

Once upon a time, I was a Mod on that site. The mod team was putting together sponsorships for ROTM to get prizes for people and the site owner didn’t like it and the mod team got removed and we all left that place. Gosh that must’ve been 2013.
Surprised it took him that long to make a post over there considering he's been a member for 8 months over there..
Man. Been years since I’ve been over there.

Once upon a time, I was a Mod on that site. The mod team was putting together sponsorships for ROTM to get prizes for people and the site owner didn’t like it and the mod team got removed and we all left that place. Gosh that must’ve been 2013.
Wow that's kinda shitty. Who the hell gets mad about prizes??
Man. Been years since I’ve been over there.

Once upon a time, I was a Mod on that site. The mod team was putting together sponsorships for ROTM to get prizes for people and the site owner didn’t like it and the mod team got removed and we all left that place. Gosh that must’ve been 2013.

I remember this happening. In a matter of a couple days a bunch of people like alien prime and others all came over and started posting up a storm.
