IMG_20140929_104951.jpg fun weekend project. My buddy is going to do graffiti work on the box. Also the RF P2D2 10S Didn't fit the box properly so custom work was done
This thread is absurd and I love it. It's everything I love- Subys, STIs, WRXs, Plastidip, Si's... wait a second...
I've had my 2016 WRX for a week now and absolutely love it, Subaru really knows how to build a fun fast car. Loving the turbo power, all wheel drive and all the extra room. My Si did get a bit better mileage, but the WRX does very well considering the power.
Life took a crazy turn couple years ago. I'm in a better position now then I ever have! So heres to moving forward. I've taken up shooting photography/videography and I'm now riding around in a 2016 focus ST
Hey! So, are all of the other rides gone besides the st?
Yes and no
Truck and white wrx are sold
The silver wrx along with a 09sti are sitting at a friends house. Until who knows when [emoji23] both need long blocks
Hey! So, are all of the other rides gone besides the st?

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So are you gonna make a build for the st? Looks like you’ve got a ton of mods and we have a handful of ST owners here.