Need help from '13 Si owners


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I just ordered a set of bmw x5 led fogs for fun, want to see what can possibly be done with them, but i think theyre a little too big to retro into the standard oval shaped honda fogs. However they may be perfect for the round '13 Si fog openings. Im looking for someone to grab a quick measurement off their bumper for me, the diameter of the opening.

I may end up selling these fogs once i get a chance to see them in person and power them up. Wiring would be pretty straight forward since their current regulators are built in, and they have h11 connectors on the back. So all you would need to do is mount them in the bumper and plug them in assuming the opening is the right size.


I just ordered a set of bmw x5 led fogs for fun, want to see what can possibly be done with them, but i think theyre a little too big to retro into the standard oval shaped honda fogs. However they may be perfect for the round '13 Si fog openings. Im looking for someone to grab a quick measurement off their bumper for me, the diameter of the opening.

I may end up selling these fogs once i get a chance to see them in person and power them up. Wiring would be pretty straight forward since their current regulators are built in, and they have h11 connectors on the back. So all you would need to do is mount them in the bumper and plug them in assuming the opening is the right size.


I probably could get you some measurement tomorrow my car is tucked away at the moment. Just remind me tomorrow and I'll take some measurement for you.
the foglight bezel opens, so the actually light behind it may be bigger. you can probably fit the X5 fogs behind it but only 3.5 inches of it are gonna show from the outside lol.
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thanks @andre12dbsi, as soon as the x5 fogs arrive ill post up some measurements, but eyeballing they could be a perfect fit for the Si opening.
You can probably retro those once you take them out of the housing. I was going to try to retro those at work but decided not to.
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ok heres the measurements, the circular bit is bumped out from the rest of the housing by a little bit

I think with some creative bracket fabricating these could be mounted right up into the existing opening on the 13 bumper. Definietly too big even out of their housings for standard civic housing retro

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