New Family Member! Mrs. Squiggy's '13 Insight

Tire rotation too. This car is a royal pain in the *** to put on jack 4 stands!:mad:
I can only imagine.

Car sits too low to get a jack under the control arms in the rear and there is no easily identifiable spot in the front center on the frame to put a jack under.
I used to find it hilarious watching robert get the stock jack out of the trunk to lift the M3 up high enough to get a normal jack under it...lmfao
Cool stuff squiggy. Probably pretty nice to go on a long trip with that and get awesome mileage.
Cool stuff squiggy. Probably pretty nice to go on a long trip with that and get awesome mileage.

Actually, it gets better mileage in town. 40ish highway. It struggles to get above 60-65.