New to Honda

So it burned/leaked a bunch of oil between oil changes? Still seeing oil loss?
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It doesn't leak any and it doesn't burn any, at least not more then normal. It just went the re omended time and it wasn't checked. Then running it up to 5500+rpm sucked the pan dry and spun the bearing. There is no low oil light or oil gauge In this car. Not that ever came on. Its been fine ever since. And the wife now checks telling me its time to check it.
nice si! an si is worlds away from a tbird and turbo diesel truck. lol. you went completely the opposite of the spectrum.
Not yet just looking at some pics and saw this. The black looks nice with the white background.
This is my daily driver so that's not an option. I really need to get a new shift knob though. The stock aluminium knob gets so cold to the touch in winter that I am almost home by the time its warm enough to hold onto. Just cant bring myself to spend the kind of money for a high end CF knob and don't want a knock off either.... damn I'm a cheap ***.
Went and got the windows tinted on the SI. Went with whats legal, only because I drive in Cali a lot and don't need to be harassed. I went 20% in the back and 35% on the fronts. I am happy with it so far and it was $175.
This legal in Idaho, where I live, but I travel a lot to Ca. In Ca you cant tint the fronts, but as long as its legal where you live, there's not much they can do to harass you. In Ca, you can limo tint the backs. I figured with a Civic SI with the Tsudo exhaust, I don't need another reason for them to look at me.