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I just posted the booing because I have to assume it's related to all of the political stuff (tariff talk) going on.
it is, also there are canadians and americans on both canada and usa teams. doesnt really matter who beat who lol.
My pro Trump/musk friend is fixated on DOGE. One discussion I'm having with him is about 100+ year old dead people receiving social security payments somehow but he has no idea where this money is going. He says he believes what musk is doing is a great thing and trusts him solely because he's musk.

Every article I read says musk is exaggerating his findings and dead people aren't receiving money.

Can anyone explain where this money is supposedly going? Like relatives? Does anyone know or is everyone just trusting musk?
Everything I’ve read from both sides seems to suggest it’s fraud. Criminals getting ahold of social security numbers. Not that hard to believe.

I’m sure Musk is exaggerating, but so is the left. It’s insane to see so many people scrambling now that things are a bit more transparent.
Everything I’ve read from both sides seems to suggest it’s fraud. Criminals getting ahold of social security numbers. Not that hard to believe.

I’m sure Musk is exaggerating, but so is the left. It’s insane to see so many people scrambling now that things are a bit more transparent.
I just read that they stopped payments to anyone over 115 years old. So I still don't see how anything musk has said is true. Also read that he's confusing social security numbers with beneficiary.

"The most likely explanation is that he is looking at the number of Social Security numbers, not the number of beneficiaries,"

"If this table were accurate, Social Security would cost $1 trillion per year more than it actually does," Walczak said on X

My friend also doesn't trust any media any more and doesn't believe anyone is an expert at anything and therefore doesn't trust them. He trusts musk. And I asked him why and he said

" He's systematically auditing the system using a small team of individuals and technology to do so."

My friend has started to ignore all my questions and answering them with stuff that has nothing to do with my questions.
So that article doesn’t really prove anything either. At this point it’s two extremes trying to convince the American people their side is right.

Well.. Musk doesn’t know what he’s talking about.. we’re certain he’s exaggerating his findings but we’re not entirely sure the exact numbers either. We just know it’s much less.

I don’t believe everything they’re throwing out there but I’m not naive enough to think corruption isn’t real. If it’s not corruption then it’s just the result of a very archaic process to handle Social Security benefits.
Gonna say fraud. My mom’s a teacher and she says she’s got parents trying to sign up their 10 year old children for disability using their social security numbers. That’s fraud.

Also, we have something like 25,000,000 undocumented immigrants. You read about some collecting social security and what not - how is that? They get a dead person’s SSN. And continue to use it. Doesn’t take much to find many cases that way, sometimes citing 40 years of using a deceased person’s number.
I thinks it’s def inflated numbers by musk and also the non knowledge of what is actually happening(even before a month ago). Like I mentioned before….i agree to auditing everything in gov but don’t agree on how it’s being done.

You hear that as soon as a person passes away, it is reported to the gov and the benefits stops paying out and there a cap on the age that the pay out auto stop. So no payments for anyone that is 115 or older….as of 2015.

Yes, SS fraud happens but again, prob not in the millions like musk is saying but you never know. I know a person in high school that their father was collection payments from acquiring stolen SS numbers. It happens and he was caught and served a long time in jail.

So saying dead people are collecting benefits without giving context of saying fraud is occurring is wrong but it’s a catchy headline. Fear mongering and shock and awe at its finest.

Was is really being put into the light, is that all our systems are way ******* old and causing all these issues and confusions and no one seems to give a **** or don’t want to spend the cash to bring systems up to date.

A local new channel has a segment that verifies claims that are sent to them. They recently talked about the millions of dead people collection benefits. While their research was “inconclusive” since they could not come to a precise decision, as too many factors were at play. For instance, the ss system doesn’t drop out people once they stop receiving benefits. So there are many many dead folks in the list of people in the system but are not receiving benefits. Then there is another thing that I can’t remember all the details for but it mentioned something that the system assigned a May 5 1875 date if the birth date of a person was entered incorrectly or left blank. Which makes it look like 150 year old people are collecting if they have not passed away. Something along those lines. Google cobol 1875.
My mom’s a teacher and she says she’s got parents trying to sign up their 10 year old children for disability using their social security numbers. That’s fraud.
I'm not 100% on what this is supposed to mean? The parent is trying to get their child on social security disability...with the parents social or the child's social? Regardless, good luck to them. If you've ever looked into the process of getting disability, it's a flat mess. Doctors will even advise you get a lawyer who specializes in social security disability to fill out all of the forms properly. It even tells you that a majority of people get rejected on their first application. If you make more than $1600/month you can't get benefits either.

The state average for me was ~240 days, and the national average was 250+ days. That's how long it takes the state to process your paperwork and then send it to the fed. They pull all of your financials, your tax paperwork, bank records,... all of your medical etc etc etc. You have to show proof with medical records that the problem you have is not going to be fixed in 12+ months, or that you literally have an illness that will result in death. They want record releases from any hospital, doctor, specialist an so on that you've seen. It goes on and on from there to prove your medical condition won't allow you to work from home, at a job site, or that your condition won't allow you to perform certain tasks.

If the parent has a way of faking all of their income, medical records etc and thinks they'll get a social security payment.... well good luck to them. For the people who actually legitimately need assistance, the process is unreal, and it takes upwards of a year to even get your first approval or rejection.
..Was is really being put into the light, is that all our systems are way ******* old and causing all these issues and confusions and no one seems to give a **** or don’t want to spend the cash to bring systems up to date..
I think this is the biggest point to be made and I hope both sides can put aside their egos and work together. It’s a shame things had to get this bad first.
Price is climbing fast and now have purchase limit

went to the store today and it was maybe 1/3 stocked with eggs, but they were around $7.
I see tariffs are the big thing again. not sure what the month long pause was actually for.