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they were proud they were unemployed so long... and getting paid to sit at home
(they had no interest in looking for any job)
he didn't see it that way... he was getting a paycheck to sit at home and watch tv. He bragged about it
Yeah, being smart and choosing a good college and working hard is definitely a mistake. That's just how I feel. It's no one's responsibility to "give" me a job but I think that having completed a better and more challenging education should make me more valuable than some dreg from ITT or other joke online college.

I give up. Im just gonna become a gold chain snatcher and sell em at pawn shops.
I mean evidently it was the poorer choice no ?

at least you have bragging rights :confused:
they were proud they were unemployed so long... and getting paid to sit at home
(they had no interest in looking for any job)
would you have an interest on paying off the above mentioned hypothetical automobile ?

just curious..

unemployment insurance is NOT welfare, it is insurance for the event unemployment paid for by the employer and employee.
unemployment compensation:
Costs are Truly Shared by Federal and State Government
Operating as a federal-state partnership, UC is based on federal law, but administered by the states. The UC program is unique among U.S. social insurance programs in that it is funded almost totally by either federal or state taxes paid by employers.

Most states currently pay UC benefits to eligible unemployed workers for up to 26 weeks. In periods of very high and rising unemployment nationwide or in individual states, "extended benefits" may be paid for as long as 13 to 46 additional weeks, depending on state law. The cost of the "extended benefits" is paid equally from state and federal funds.

so you could have 72 weeks of paid time off. Personally, I think you should have to show proof of looking for some type of work, but that's me. Yes, the company taxes paid into the system pay for part of the compensation, but not everything. I take issue with individuals bragging they can sit at home for extremely long periods of time.

If I'm in a car wreck and I'm paying a company to insure my car, I'd expect them to take care of the damages. Why else would I be paying thousands a year out of pocket? Individuals aren't paying thousands out of their paycheck in case they lose their job. It's usually paid for by their employer, and tax money.
yes so it is funded by taxes (which increased when the program came about) and the employer correct ?

personally I'm for getting the govt out of administrating that bs altogether but just felt like pointing out it's bot welfare that's all.