Orange County Monthly Meet - Last Friday of the Month - Lee's Sandwich Garden Grove

I live 2 hours away also, but its worth the drive every now and then especially when you bring some fellow owners and there cars too. Im down to do it.
Yeah I just recruited Johny, he's the fella with the blue pearl 9th gen civic, he lives 2 hours away as well, and he's coming to the June 29th car meet. We can discuss our ideas at the meet :) I'm happy to know that you guys are open about it. This is awesome news!
This is sweet, so far we have me, eddie blanco, bozo, mr rex., michael hogains, fx rob, Mikey (I hope) and Johny. We can definitely get this car crew going!!
Monthly OC meet.

Meet is for 8thgens, 9thgens, whatever! Bring out your brand new 9thgens!!!

Lee's Sandwich Garden Grove CA
13991 Brookhurst Street
We meet in the parking lot behind it.
Meet runs 830 pm - Whenever

2012 Meets (sorry been lagging on this)

April 27th
May 25th
June 29th
July 27th
August 31st
September 28th
October 26th
November 30th
December 28th
:bump: Next Friday
eddie blanco threw this out to me, looks fun. I live in Glendale area though. Ill let my boys know we will attempt to head out one of these times.
eddie blanco threw this out to me, looks fun. I live in Glendale area though. Ill let my boys know we will attempt to head out one of these times.
We have people coming from Lancaster which is 2 hours away from the meet :) I'm sure you can make the drive once a month :D