Pinstripes on cars...

Ok thanks I've also heard of using wd-40 but im affraid of damaging the paint..
wd40 will not hurt your paint. It even talks about it on wd40's site.
Awsome! So do you recomend it? webby should I use that instead? Because I have a can of it at home..
indeed... it will remove the adhesive without much effort.
They're kinda "cute" at first. Then they start to chip off. After that you remove them and you think "Wow, it looks really clean, why didn't I do this sooner?" :giggle:
I Agree, and I like pinstripes, only if they're painted on(there are ppl that can do this by hand, usually can be found at car shows/cruises/etc. , but wait to see them do someone elses 1st).
I removed mine by the pressure washer. It left a bit of residual adhesive but I used goo be gone to remove it. Then washed and waxed the entire car paying extra attention to the area where goo be gone was used.
Goo Gone has an orange citrus variant you can buy in the cleaning aisle of any grocery store or Walmart and it comes in a spray bottle as a liquid gel. It works perfectly, I've used this on a number of cars and it doesn't damage your paint