Removing EZ-Lip

Replacing my ripped lip. Started without heat. Ripped all the rubber off. Only the 3M tape remains. Dam, 3M makes an outstanding product. That is going to take some time to take of. Hahah. Will try blow dryer and plastic putty tool from a paint shop.

Update: 3M tape gone. Took about 45 minutes. I used a hair dryer at max. heat. I propped the hair dryer pointed at a spot for about a minute and then worked on it. Always keeping the hair dryer in advance of where I was working. I could take off about 2 or 3 inches at a time while the dryer was heating up the next section. Not fun, but not too bad either.

Make sure your plastic putty knife is a solid type. I had two. The cheap dollar store one got way too flexible working in the heat and was useless.