Sleepy checkin in......:woot new site

nope I came back to work, it is suppose to help with the pain. I am not allowed to drive for a bit so i came back to work. I will be ok.
That's good they take care of you and are considerate of you (with the health problems)
Condsidering I was ordered off work last week, and came back to work should show them i am dedicated to my job. I found all the things I needed to make sure i could come to work. I wish i had this kneely seat years ago it is awesome.

Hmm never saw one of those before. Thanks for the pictures. That was quick!

Dog on the table! :giggle:
He's gotten big since I last remember! :omg:

Mackin' on the ladies. Damn dogs get all the womenz :giggle:
That's good he won't get more than 35lbs. Well I'm sure he could if he was over-fed lol

Well I will be back. Have some stuff to do at work (and I has to pee pee :giggle: )
how do you like those chairs? I've never talked to anyone who's sat in one for work, or for any length of time. Do you get pain in your knees or lower legs after a while?