Squiggy's 2012 DBP II Si Coupe

Looks like the hood will need replaced and part of the crash beam is bent. Found a minor buckle in a quarter panel. May mean the front crossbeam will need pulled a bit in order to fix it.
Has insurance looked at it? Any body shops quote you?
Has insurance looked at it? Any body shops quote you?

Not yet. I wanted to take a look first before dealing with the claims adjuster (I am going to itemize all the OEM parts first). I had a neighbor look at it. He has been painting for 20+ years. He does some amazing work. He suggested a place for the fixing the crossbeam and quarter panel before I get the parts and then he will do the paint after my trip to Ohio. (haven't talked to Paul yet, but I will call him this week)
Got a call from Tire Rack. Wheels are delayed until the 20th. I have already been driving too long on the winter tires. Hell, at this rate, they are probably down to all season treads.
Thats too long! By the time you get them, it will be June.
:( that sucks.

Tell me about it. I have to look at them everyday I leave the garage.

My original order for the wheels was on March 12th. Going to take over two months to get the wheels at this point. Stupid port shutdowns. :mad:
Are Buddy Club wheels really that good? They are light, but only $820 for a set of 4 makes me wonder.:shady:
Would you consider going to an 18"? Id probably pick up those tires off you if you did.

I thought about it, but the tires cost more and I would rather not sacrifice anymore ride quality at this point. Plus, potholes are horrible around here.
Insurance estimate came in at just over $4,000.
Seems excessive...or it seems like you could have easily been able to put some of that in your pocket if they'd just let you buy the parts yourself. Sucks
That's a hefty chunk of change. Any hopes of getting it fixed anytime soon?
Seems excessive...or it seems like you could have easily been able to put some of that in your pocket if they'd just let you buy the parts yourself. Sucks

$2,000 in parts. The rest is labor and paint. Have to talk to the insurance company about how to handle purchases and payments. Still may be able to find a way around things.