Sunofwolf Random Banter Containment Thread

your cat told me he wanted more balloons as treats to eat. cat.jpg

and why are you watching cnn? I picture you watching fox news 18+hrs a day

RT Russian TV has the real truth only dish had it. CNN and Fox News lie all the time including every newspaper printed in usa. I gave up on cable tv, it ended up just giving me a headache. I like local papers where I can leave comments about the Do gooder's.
Eat recycled Food, it's good for you:barf:. I need a nice noisy fart can for the Honda.:rotfl::spaz:
And that Blue Balloon got released outside.:brock:
Time to tune the Honda, it seems this tool hondata is very good at fixing all kinds of bugs! Rev hang is very bad.:brock:
who are you using to tune
Don't know yet,who is going to help with a tune, I can't do it myself for sure. I am going to work on it soon. The rev hang drives me crazy-the car wants to shift much faster butt the electronic nanny stops it even, slower than my srt-4-short throw Hurst shift however. I change the oil napa 05-30 and platinum oil filter on the Blue neon 2001 today and added fresh coolant-nice to have a drain plug makes it very easy. Also drained some brake fluid out of the calipers in front, the rear has drum brakes which don't really wear out.:bananawhipdance: I want to change the coolant on the Si Honda 2013 too-does it have a drain plug? I do plan on adding a custom exhaust too. Learning how to tune should be a first step on uncorking all the junk CA put on it.:domokundance:
Zerox G-5 is good for Honda's made for alu block engines, its around $14 that makes 2 gal. I usually mix it to 1.8 gals. That way its about 60% Zerox and 40% distilled water which increases the boiling point a little more then the usual 50 50 mix. A simple and effective extra cooling mod over the stock 50 50.:wash::woowoo:
Lucas upper cyl Lubricant, I am trying out a qt of this stuff on three cars, vfr 800 and a john deere tractor. it seems to be relatively cheap compared to other cleaner's. You can get a whole gal for $24 on amazon that treats 400 gals. Check it out should actually pay for is self in saving some gas, so if you think about why not use it?


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Dam the blue neon 2001 old drum brakes locked up. I am replacing the rear drum brakes, the front one's were worked on a year ago. Dam they locked up in back-I drove it to the garage just a mile and left it there. The parts for a Centric Drum brake Kit cost me $84 shipped from rock auto, I checked napa and it was more and they didn't have all the parts either. Dam neon is cheap to fix.:domokundance: Dam after paying insure and just the car parts. I am out of $400 and its pour rain again. I have taken to putting additives in all my gas tanks due to the gas getting old because I am simply not driving much. Lucus gas additive is cheap.
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7 Motorcycle riders got Killed up in NH- Jarhead Marines. I feel bad about this one because these riders have had such a hard time.
I will be donating some money. A pickup with a car carrier hit 10 motorcycle's. This was a very dangerous road-a HWY with just two lanes and no middle strips they warn drivers they crossed the line into on coming traffic. We have these type's of road just two miles from where I am and there has been some really bad accidents. Two vehicle's going 55mph cross and bang 110mph crash very gruesome! So watch out for motorcycles Please!:sadbanana:
I feel sorry for them and that is the #1 reason I don't ride bikes anymore. People don't care about their own life so your life is completely meaningless on or in a vehicle. I have had so many near fatal accidents to keep me off a bike on public roads.
So did they figure out if the driver of the truck was distracted? On something?

So sad :(
Don't know what happened, butt it is never the bikes fault when crossing the line.:haybunny:
Don't know what happened, butt it is never the bikes fault when crossing the line especially in these groups rides.:haybunny:
I don't really ride my VFR 800 too much but its summer time and it eats so little gas. :hyper:
Idk, I have seen a lot of stupid riders that had a death wish. The worst was in El Paso Tx those guys would go in between you and another car going over 100+ MPH while doing a wheelie.
well that sounds like fun, but I prefer to keep two wheels on the ground. I am just amazed by the Honda vfr 800 2006 its such a great bike and just doesn't wear out and has nisson abs with one finger stops. You should get a motorcycle and stop being a chicken:badger::bananawhipdance:
7 counts of neg murder=70yrs in jail charge:violin: for the *** wipe who ran of 10 motorcycles in a dodge pickup truck with a Big car carrier.
Seems, I was right old jarheads are super good riders, no way this wasn't murder by cager!:rantsmiley: