that's quite a family you have there

:rotfl: It's gotta be wierd that they are now having kids that are younger than their grandkids. Is she just see how long she can still blow one out? You'd think she would hit a point where she is done.
You would hope that this last one she had...would be the last...
Seeing as she had the baby so prematurely she almost didn't make it...and still has complications now at a year old...
Born at 25 weeks...she was 1lb 6oz.




She now looks like this:

The patches on the sides of her face are for the oxygen tubes she still monitored on because of her breathing issues...and on a recent episode had a seizure...
Yeah there comes a point when its too risky for the mother and the child.....

Her pikachu is saying eff you STOP IT!
Pikachu :rotfl:

They're all about the "baby is a gift from God and we'll take as many as we're given and won't use birth control..we'll leave it in the Lord's hands"..... but seriously it comes to a point of being selfish..and endangering herself and her future kids.