This is the future of our Nation

falling on deaf ears
Yes, perhaps. Or is she being professional as a young man is going on a rant. Imagine if she would have started yelling/screaming at him. That would have looked much worse for her and she would have lost all respect. She seemed to handle things pretty calmly which was the right thing to do when a student goes on a rant in front of their peers. She could have totaled cut him down in front of all his peers but she didn't. She let him save face.
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Packets are BS 9/10 times, especially in a history class. Read the book, reproduce what the author wrote onto the packet... that's not learning

In high school I once had an American history teacher that would mostly just lecture and sometimes go a little off topic, although still talking about American history. We hardly had any work aside from tests and I learned way more in that class than in any other history class I took, and it was because the teacher simply liked to talk to her students about history. I looked forward to that class every day because it was relaxing and easy... because the teacher made it easy since she knew her stuff and made it as interesting as possible.

When the kid in the video asks her why she doesn't get up and teach (especially in a history class), I agree with him wholeheartedly.

I watched the news last night and saw some stuff about this. Apparently the teacher is on administrative leave, the student is not being punished, and to top it all off his mom is a teacher and is happy that he spoke out.

If he isn't being punished, I think the school's administration recognizes (possibly just from pressure since it's on the web) that he's right and it's a problem. That's a good sign.

Then again it's Texas. Maybe if they weren't 38th in teacher salary, and 49th in public education spending per student despite being 2nd in student population, the teacher might want to do her job and then Texas wouldn't be 43rd in graduation rate, 46th in SAT scores, and 50th in adults with High School Diploma.
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im one of those kids that he was trying to stand up for but im still on the fence about this whole ordeal. i def agree with the kid but due to the fact that my mom has been a teach her entire life and seen coworkers go through sitiuations simmilar (not to this scale) i also def agree with pauly.

the youth of the nation is worrying me. Im 22 and i fear for the group that is like 10-15. i was raised by two realists one a teacher and one an ex-marine. i was never handed anything on a silver platter i had to work for everything i own. when i was bad i got spanked. now the group of kids that is goming up has been handed everything because their parents feel that they need to be the cool parrent or worse yet the parrent getting what they want and the kid goes neglected. i see this **** on a daily at work. also the parents are scared to disipline their kids. when i was bad i got spanked now if you spank your kid someone will report you and you get branded a child abuser. let me tell you i only did anything wrong once.


also theres a video out there of a 12 y/o patrinizing a cop for parking his bike on the sidewalk. another good watch about the entitled youth.
Packets are BS 9/10 times, especially in a history class. Read the book, reproduce what the author wrote onto the packet... that's not learning

In high school I once had an American history teacher that would mostly just lecture and sometimes go a little off topic, although still talking about American history. We hardly had any work aside from tests and I learned way more in that class than in any other history class I took, and it was because the teacher simply liked to talk to her students about history. I looked forward to that class every day because it was relaxing and easy... because the teacher made it easy since she knew her stuff and made it as interesting as possible.

When the kid in the video asks her why she doesn't get up and teach (especially in a history class), I agree with him wholeheartedly.

I watched the news last night and saw some stuff about this. Apparently the teacher is on administrative leave, the student is not being punished, and to top it all off his mom is a teacher and is happy that he spoke out.

If he isn't being punished, I think the school's administration recognizes (possibly just from pressure since it's on the web) that he's right and it's a problem. That's a good sign.

Then again it's Texas. Maybe if they weren't 38th in teacher salary, and 49th in public education spending per student despite being 2nd in student population, the teacher might want to do her job and then Texas wouldn't be 43rd in graduation rate, 46th in SAT scores, and 50th in adults with High School Diploma.

We are starting to get more context and the situation is becoming clearer. It will be interesting to follow this and see if we get more information about the situation.
Yes, perhaps. Or is she being professional as a young man is going on a rant. Imagine if she would have started yelling/screaming at him. That would have looked much worse for her and she would have lost all respect. She seemed to handle things pretty calmly which was the right thing to do when a student goes on a rant in front of their peers. She could have totaled cut him down in front of all his peers but she didn't. She let him save face.
Never said anything about the teacher yelling or anything like that. Teachers should be able to communicate with their students. If you were put into this situation, I'm sure you would do/say more than this person did.
In general, teachers are given a format to follow and not teach. I feel there is so much going on from the anti correct history groups that they'd be lucky to be in a History class that told the truth in the 1st place........ without going into detail.
Never said anything about the teacher yelling or anything like that. Teachers should be able to communicate with their students. If you were put into this situation, I'm sure you would do/say more than this person did.
No, you didn't say anything about yelling. I was just trying to say that reacting how she did doesn't seem right when we first listen to her, but maybe was the right way to handle it. He leaves looking like a hero in front of his peers. She could have tried to make him look foolish.

I don't know how I would react in a situation like this. I would hope that the student would approach me first and let his feelings be known so that we could try to work out some sort of understanding in a better way than an outburst.
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In general, teachers are given a format to follow and not teach. I feel there is so much going on from the anti correct history groups that they'd be lucky to be in a History class that told the truth in the 1st place........ without going into detail.
Ya, teachers used to be highly respected and completely supported by parents. Some teachers may indeed be playing it safe out of fear of parental attack for any teaching that may be out of the norm. There are a lot of spoiled kids who have grown up and have their own kids now. These "spoiled kid" parents want everything easy. They want schools to teach everything to their kids because they don't want to put in any effort. Many parents don't even teach their kids basics like how to hold a pair of scissors, basic numbers and letters of their name and then send them to school. They don't teach them how to tie their shoes, how to tell the time or count money. They don't play board games together and are not really involved in the kids lives much at all in any stimulating way. Many of these "families" don't eat meals together routinely., and if they do, the tv might be on while they are eating. Many parents plug their kids into video games, tv, movies, iPods etc. so that they can be "baby-sat" and be out of their hair. When trouble arises at school these parents are quick to point the finger at what the other kids did, or the teacher's role in the problem and pass the blame. They should be focused on their own kid's involvement in the trouble and maker sure he-she takes responsibility. Each year students seem weaker and weaker. sigh........
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She could have tried to make him look foolish.
That'd be an example of a poor teacher. I've witnessed teachers do that. Orrr.. I've seen teachers try to make a point and basically belittle students in front of the entire class. It's sad.
That'd be an example of a poor teacher. I've witnessed teachers do that. Orrr.. I've seen teachers try to make a point and basically belittle students in front of the entire class. It's sad.
Ya, you're totally right, but teachers are only human. If some punk as s kid was completely disrespectful to you it would be pretty difficult to react calmly and rationally evrey time......unless you have Vulcan blood. :giggle:

Teachers that belittle kids are the worst kind. Luckily, they are few and far between.
"Hey Teachers, Leave them kids alone." Pink Floyd, The Wall
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