Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

LOL, climbing a ladder ripping down some over grown ivy on the chimmy and then climbing a tree removing wild grape vines...
LOL, climbing a ladder ripping down some over grown ivy on the chimmy and then climbing a tree removing wild grape vines...

I F'N hate those Vines!!! Just cut the main vine at the base and let them die first. come back like a week later and rip em down. much easier. trust me. they dry up.
I F'N hate those Vines!!! Just cut the main vine at the base and let them die first. come back like a week later and rip em down. much easier. trust me. they dry up.

Parents wanted the grapes outta the tree today, so I went climbing..... The ivy was easy, just don't like ladders..
He'll just go to Louie's or something. I forget what he does when he doesn't have IAG replacing/installing parts.
Its like me.... My nearest garage is 2 hrs away.... I did trans fluid yesterday in a driveway of a abandoned house near me
home desktop PC.... R.I.P. (total hard drive failure)
It was ~7 yrs old (110 in human yrs) and inadequate for my needs, but worked tirelessly for me. It needs an autopsy to remove the battery and the hard drives (to attempt some recovery, but not a big deal). new PC will be ordered shortly
On original parts maybe... My parents have a computer in the basement that still works and is DOS only..
I think thats a record for any non-Apple computer
I had to rebuild the software a few times due to weirdness of Microsoft. It did need a new heart (battery) last year.
On original parts maybe... My parents have a computer in the basement that still works and is DOS only..
do they use it daily, all day long? that would be cool. My Dad still has a, I want to say Windows 95 home
Use it once in a while.

They have computer that use DOS and 1 of every home version of Windows.... Trying to keep the software update and keep past versions running