Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Blah.... what am I going to do until work today. I went to bed at 9:45 and didn't get up until 7:30 so now I have all this energy.....
Hopefully before the weekend I get my Hellas and window visors. Gonna have to remove the front bumper to put the Hellas in though, looks like a minor pain in the toosh. Also going to wire the sub in finally. May have to wait tl Sunday for it to cool down some. Gonna be a hot rest of the week. 115 heat index they are calling for.:tumbleweed::chill:

JasonPA, I am HORRIBLE about surprised and you are killing my imagination. all I keep thinking is "OMG?!" "I WONDER WHAT IT IS?!?!?" "OMG, IT COULD BE THIS OR THAT OR THIS OR THAT" lol