Turbo+ AWD!!!!!

Too bad you don't get to see me today JeffFTW. The caravan is leaving my house now

That sucks! I want to meet ya. Feels like I've know ya for a while! :)

I don't even know who's all coming besides Dawn and JoshSTi.. is it just them two?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk because I'm a BOSS! ;)
Where do people get Will was racing? And doing 120mph+?? :/ that pisses me off since its rumors! Ugh :mad:

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk because I'm a BOSS! ;)
Jason and our roomie Ryan is coming too.

I have to go up to a lights place to switch my headlights out. Just gonna be a bunch of civic people so I told them they'd probably have more fun with y'all....... We're all good friends with the guy who wrecked his car so we will probably just talk about how we can't believe it happened lol

Hey JeffFTW!

I dunno if he was racing. The mods have been going onto every thread on 8th and deleting the pictures, let me know where those are please. They don't want the pics up until he is out of the hospital and let him do it himself.

Why am I not surprised about this. Every thread I have seen about him has been closed and neutered....
The only reason they are doing it is out of respect to him. Trying not to put all of his business on the internet. If he wants to do it, then let him, but until he is out of the hospital I feel like he shouldn't be gossiped about.
New management....new rules... At least let any posts in the Mid-Atl area stay like they used too, most of them know Will and what to know what happening and don't have a direct line to him or anyone else....
I'm good friends with all of the guys in there and they are the ones requesting them be taken down......
vids #8 & #9 uploaded

night dragon run

#1 Fontana Village to Deal's Gap

#2 - Deal's Gap to Overlook

#3 - Overlook to Deal's Gap



#6: Deal's Gap to Overlook

#7: Fontana Bridge to mid-dragon (straight away pass)

#8: Overlook to State Line

#9: near state line until heavy rain
I just hope the he is ok and wishes to comment on what in the hell happened.....

Last I heard this morning he's doing well, still a little bit out of it. I'm sure it was a life changing experience, whatever actually did happen. He is probably gonna :bricks: when he goes to see his car.
That legacy I posted earlier is already sold....Boooo. They said it was still there due to 3rd gear issue. The part was coming in so they could fix it. Interior looked nice but the exterior not so much. Scratched here and there and the rear bumper on the pass side was no clipped in and the tabs looked to be broken. Maybe a little fender bender.
Good seeing Dawn, JoshSTi, JasonVA, JasonPA again and nice meeting Ryan (Kentucky guy :giggle: ) :wave:

I would have came down to Richmond but I didn't feel like the 3hrs+ drive home later tonight. Sorry everyone. :bighug:
I'm getting excited about the Dragon.... As long as it's not hot/humid so I can have my windows down :D
Jeff, just ride with me on a night run and see if you wanna do it yourself. Nice seeing you all again today :woot:

Im at Nates now checking out his new Cadillac
Jeff, after a few day runs, you'll feel confident about a night run. The real key is to drive with people about your skill level. Yes, you could do a night ride along with Jason, but you'll scream like a little girlie. The night video doesn't capture all of the light that I was seeing.